Slice of Life – Day 17


Today in physical education, we were playing block ball.

I got hit in the glasses with the ball because someone cherry bombed it.

That means they slammed it very hard.

That’s against the rules we were playing with.

It didn’t really hurt, but I just got my new glasses and the nose pieces got bent.

The person who did the cherry bomb got out because they slammed it.

I was glad that they followed the rules.

I went to the nurse to get my glasses fixed.

She told me that she didn’t want to bend them too much, but got them so that I could wear them again.

I went back to PE.

We were playing volleyball.

I tried my hardest, but I think I heard one of the players on my team say, “The reason we are losing is because of Jacob.”

I was upset to hear this because I was trying my hardest and taking the games seriously.

I don’t understand why he felt that way or said something like this.

He wasn’t thinking about how this would make me feel.

Eventually, I got over what he said.

Sort of.

Thankfully, we are not playing volleyball in PE anymore.

11 thoughts on “Slice of Life – Day 17

  1. When you hear reports like that from your kids it truly breaks your heart. Kids can be so cruel.Hope things get better.

  2. It shouldn’t always be about winning. Sad to hear how this makes him feel. At least he can express himself with words. PE was never my strong suit either (always the last one picked for the team, but first for a school project- go figure)

  3. This would have been me as a kid. I hated gym class. There were a few rough boys my age who ruined every gym class for me. I loved it when we played separate games away from them!

  4. Oh how I hate hearing stories like this. Sounds like Jacob is resilient, though. Kids can be cruel, but love conquers all!

  5. Words can be cruel. We all, at every age, need to be taught to think of the effect our words will have on others before we open our mouths and utter them.

  6. Truly a heart-wrenching report from school today. Sorry to hear that PE was so rough for your son. I can somewhat relate. I was a pretty lousy athlete as a kid. I was relegated to the B team in middle school sports. Somehow, I found a way to enjoy fitness when it wasn’t as competitive. It’s so hard, though, when PE has such a strong social component.

  7. “I don’t understand why he felt that way or said something like this.

    He wasn’t thinking about how this would make me feel.

    Eventually, I got over what he said.

    Sort of.”

    These words stick with me. I can relate to asking, Why? and knowing the other person had not considered the effect of their actions, and then to turn the page…sort of.

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