#SOL17 – Day 9 – Reunited

We arrived home from the airport around 10 a.m. I was hoping the boys would show up soon afterwards.

We unpacked, started laundry, and generally settled into our house.

Then we got a call. My in-laws were going to feed the boys lunch and then bring them down from their house.

I didn’t express my frustration at their delay. I was being unreasonably impatient, I told myself. I could wait another two hours.

Meaza and my husband went upstairs to our room and literally embarked upon a 24-hour “nap.” I have never known anyone, let alone any two people, to sleep so long. Obviously, it was needed.

I didn’t nap – I was too anxious to see my boys.

Time passed.

I heard the front door open.

It was them!

They were here!

I whispered, “Merry Christmas!” and embraced them both. I kissed their heads and faces and hands. They kept saying, “Mom. Your here. Mommy.”

I actually started to shake with uncontrollable sobs – of joy, of overwhelming-ness, of relief.

The stress and strain of the last week finally poured out as I clung to my boys. I had held my emotions in check for the duration of the trip overseas. I hadn’t realized how homesick I was. How much I had missed the boys.

They asked if I was okay. I said that I was – I was home.


I want to thank the Two Writing Teachers blog administrators for providing the opportunity to participate in the Slice of Life March challenge.

I want to thank all of you who have been reading this month (and year). Your reading and comments and  are treasures to my heart!


10 thoughts on “#SOL17 – Day 9 – Reunited

  1. This is a beautiful piece that brought tears to my eyes! Coming home and waiting to see your two boys to say “Merry Christmas” and hug and kiss them before you slept. You must have been totally exhausted! Aileen, you bring home the importance of family and all that the word implies. Your stories here are wonderful celebrations of small moments – the ones we need to hold on to and cherish.

  2. So glad you were able to be home for Christmas! What a great Christmas present…Meaza and being with your boys again! Can’t imagine all your emotions you went through!

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