#SOL17 – Day 28 – (Not) Shy

We thought long and hard, not just about whether to send Kieran to Kindergarten the year he was eligible with an end of July birthday, but also where to send him.


Liam had gone to the private Kindergarten all day. We thought Kieran, being as social as he was, would be fine in the half day program. All of the kids from our neighborhood would go to Before Care at the local church, then get bused over to the p.m. Kindergarten session.

He could handle that, to be sure.

We also had a third child in day care, so were not quite as able to afford the private Kindergarten tuition. We were thankful for this less expensive option.

It was funny to me that, while we made this decision based on Kieran’s level of social-ness, our first visit to his classroom and teacher was quite the contrast.

I was wearing a long skirt that day, and he actually hid in the folds of my skirt and would not say hello to his teacher.

Who was this “shy” kid? I tried to bribe him out, trick him out, “threaten” him out. Nothing was moving him from behind (and among) my skirt.

I apologized to the teacher. I shared that he just needed to warm up, but that he was quite the social butterfly.

My introduction proved too true, which I will share about later.

For whatever reason, he has kept up this habit, even now.

On Friday night we wound up in the same restaurant as his social studies teacher. I asked him if he had said hello to her.

“No.” (He used to say, “I’m not that kind of Kieran,” meaning, I’m not the type of kid to say hello to a teacher in public, or to introduce myself to someone new, or to start playing with a group of kids I don’t know.)

“Well, if you are able to say hi before she leaves the restaurant, we will give you back the video games you lost earlier tonight.” (See me still bribing?)

“I guess I just won’t get them back then.”

Fortunately, this teacher has also studied to be a guidance counselor, and is the friendliest, most approachable person I’ve ever met. She initiated saying hello to our family before leaving.

This gave Kieran the opportunity to offer a soft, hi.

As soon as she left, he commented, “I said hello. Don’t forget that I get my video games back. Liam, do you want to play….?”

That’s my (not so) shy boy.

12 thoughts on “#SOL17 – Day 28 – (Not) Shy

  1. A great little story about Kieran. The interaction here with such good description helped me feel as if I watched all of this from a seat in the school and again at the restaurant! You are so good at taking the reader right there! (P.S. Sometimes, bribes are necessary!)

  2. This month has been such an opportunity for you to document a life of motherhood; the ups and downs, the intimate details. What a way to preserve and share these special moments! Another insightful slice!

  3. Love this and he’s such a cutie!! I also have a kindergarten boy who is “shy”/”not shy”. I love how smart they are and how they’re brains work! Ah.. his teacher approached him and he managed a quiet hi.. I love that the first thought he has is, “I get my video game back now!” Ha. ha! Oh and bribes ARE necessary at times for sure! 🙂

  4. Kids march to their own music no matter what we do. At least they do when they feel confident and secure in their parents’ love. Kieran obviously is a happy boy. Love the photo. Could that smile be any bigger?

  5. Oh, Aileen, what a sweet look into the personality of Kieran. It is very nice. With your precious children, you have oodles of great slices to write about this month, don’t you?


  6. Isn’t interesting how kids act differently between school and home? I’m amazed sometimes how parents say their kids are at home and I don’t see it at all. Kiernan is definitely a smart kid!

  7. Thank you for writing more about Kiernan… I am longing to get to no him more. Shy, not shy, it is fascinating to see how they develop,grow and identify. When is he “social?” When is he “that kind of Kiernan?” How would define “that kind of Kiernan?” Isn’t is amazing to hear he has thought about this? How does this relate to the other members of the family and his role? So many questions — I will stop now, but I hope you don’t stop writing about your family.

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