Slice of Life – Day 6

Cross Country

I joined the team two weeks after they had started practicing because I didn’t hear the announcements about it.

After my first race, I fell to the ground – I was so exhausted from running (and walking) that long after such a short amount of practice.

I came in close to last place.

But, I didn’t quit.

My dad asked me to quit.

He didn’t understand why I wanted to run, especially if I was so miserable afterwards.

The first few nights after races, I did need to lie down for the rest of the night.

When I’m running though, I don’t think about anything else except my form and my pace.

I am at peace.

I hear my footfalls.

In the distance, I hear people cheering us on.

I see the ground in front of me and my teammates up ahead.

I enjoyed thinking about only the race.

With each race, I improved.

I PRed, which means beat my personal record, almost every time.

Overall, I improved my mile by two minutes, which is good.

At the end of the season, I was awarded “Most Improved Boy.”

I am proud of this accomplishment.

17 thoughts on “Slice of Life – Day 6

  1. So proud of you for persevering! The really great thing about running is that you only compete against yourself. I love running too! Keep it up – improvement comes with your dedication.

  2. Love the voice here and wish more kids would run the race against themselves instead of against the other competitors. Cross country is a wonderful sport that will give back into adult life.

  3. Congratulations on PRing so many times. That’s a huge victory! Congratulations, also, on being most improved. I hope you are really proud of all your hard work!

  4. Love that you wrote with your son’s voice, and it’s a great thing to persist through the hard parts and succeed. He did it! I so admire those long distance kids. Seeing them running in the fall, hot, looking as if they want to lie down, and they keep going, like you son. Congratulations many-fold.

  5. Loved reading your slice, written in your son’s voice. I wonder if he’d write the same or if not, what revision would he make? I’m positive he’d include a proud mom cheering for him!! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Yay! This is awesome. My daughter was a runner in high school. I’m glad Liam had a great season. While cross county is a team sport it is also an individual sport too-always trying to set those PRs! I hope he returns for another season. Happy Running!

  7. Aileen, I love this; you show your son’s determination and grit! Congratulations to both of you.

  8. What an interesting take on voice! I went back and read it again after I read the “most improved boy” twist and had a new appreciation for it all over again.

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